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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, March 10, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Rowdy Raider Passes 2022

Rowdy Raider Parking Spot | Photo by Arden Reimer | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University ended the yellow and white line parking system, replacing it with the Rowdy Raider parking passes, which solicited mixed reactions from the campus community. 

Idea origins

According to WSU Chief of Police Kurt Holden, when the COVID-19 pandemic happened and fewer students were coming to campus, faculty parking lots were relatively empty.

The new Rowdy Raider passes are a way for the university to put students first and utilize some of the premium spaces, according to Holden. 

“The university wants to show students are first, so these passes are a way to show students they can purchase these reserved spots and have an easier time to park,” Holden said.

The Student Government Association wrote a resolution in support of this change as well. 

According to President of SGA Blake Bailey, students are a priority by getting the same parking as staff and faculty; this idea makes parking easier on students by allowing access to closer spots. 

Holden also commented on the relative pricing of the Rowdy Raider passes. 

“The price is dropped 20% compared to what it was going to be originally, which was in the 400s,” Holden said.  

Semester parking passes are $95, full year permits $160 and Rowdy passes are $300, according to a campus wide communication.  

Student opinion

Some students have voiced concerns about the new Rowdy Raider parking option. 

“These spaces are never full. Are people buying these passes? I feel that it has been harder to find a space because of everyone trying to find a closer spot,” English major Lauren Eifert said. 

For other students, the spots present less issues. 

“I find it to be easier. I mean, people can park where they want now, not only in white spaces. Since they expanded it to students being allowed to park in yellow spaces, I feel there’s more parking than before,” Engineering major Olivia Wright said. 

According to Holden, 185 students, staff and faculty have purchased these passes, with an approximate total of 450 Rowdy Raider spots on campus. 

For more information, students can visit the WSU parking portal. Administrators at 118 Campus Services Building are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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