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The election is over; it is time to move on

It’s over. Barack Obama will serve the President of the United States for the next four years. Now it’s time to move on.

Whether or not our candidate of choice was the winner, we must come to terms with the fact that the man in the White House is now the man in charge. But hey, let’s be optimistic about it. For those that were disappointed by the nation’s choice, you can look forward to four years of harsh criticism and pointing out every single “incorrect” step that the president takes. For those that won, YOUR GUY WON! Woo! Now you can really brag to that jerk in the office that was always talking smack about your candidate.

If only it were that easy.

The reality is; politics have the ability to compromise the relationships of otherwise compatible and functioning people. Some will constitute an “I don’t talk about politics” policy, but that is only effective to a certain extent. When a Dave hears Earl relentlessly bashing Dave’s politician of choice, Dave will generally walk away with a different perspective on Earl, a lesser one.

Though it is not our intention, our political beliefs alter our perception of other people. Political beliefs are a constant; they do not come and go with election season. But during the months before the November election, emotions and opinions are catapulted in every direction, creating a battlefield that divides the right from the left, the up from the down, and everywhere in between.

It is important to voice your political beliefs and opinions, and to fight for what you believe in and what you value. But we need to come down from our soapbox a bit and focus on living in unison as human beings. The ads, speeches, debates and yard signs are over, so let’s take it down a peg.

Few would disagree that the decision made in this election was monumental in the direction of the country. It is only natural for emotion to well up within those that have a stake in the nation’s future. My point is that we need to live and work with one another harmoniously, so let’s take this three and a half year break in political ferocity to do so. That is all for now. Peace.

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