Wright State library gets a new upgrade | Photo provided by Dunbar Library
Many changes have taken place at Wright State University’s Paul Laurence Dunbar Library over the summer. After receiving funding from the state during 2018, the process of renovating the facility finished up in the last few months.
Computers have been updated and more power outlets and USB ports have been added to tabletops, making the environment much more technologically accessible for studying purposes. Printing is now available on more floors, and there are more quiet areas with computer access.
The installment of new carpet kicked off the changes during December 2018 while classes were out of session.
Sue Polanka, university librarian, has been at Dunbar Library for 15 years.“Before the big transition this year, any work that we had done was in a certain area. Like let’s work on the group study room on the first floor. Or let’s work on the fourth floor. Unfortunately, when you do it that way, nothing matches. We had seven or eight different types of carpeting throughout the building,” said Polanka.
Lots of research went into the project. The library invested in several types of assessments. Through the Office of Institutional Research, questionnaires and surveys were compiled to pinpoint what students wanted.
“We had about 1200 responses to the email we sent out, a really good response rate it. It was very even across all years, across all genders, across all majors, schools and colleges, it was very obvious what they wanted so we worked on those top ten things,” said Polanka.
All of the studies are made available to the public through the library’s CORE Scholar database. The publication and research were completed by staff members Mandy Shannon, Donna Bobb, Phil Flynn, Sue Polanka, Bette Sydelko and Matthew Shreffler.
“The carpet was in, but we had all old furniture. Then the furniture arrived the day after graduation. The Sunday after graduation, the movers were here to get the furniture out. That’s the way we have to do it here, we have to go on break times,” said Polanka.
Summer break was the perfect chance to start the moving process. Majority of the furniture was replaced with newer, more fitting pieces to increase comfortably. This was also a chance to move office spaces and provide more private study rooms for students to book.
“The bookings on those rooms have skyrocketed. It’s amazing how much use those rooms are getting. We used to have four and now we have thirteen. People love them,” said Polanka.
“We have a lot of resources at the library,” said Lexi Rakovan, office worker. “The whiteboards and study areas, we have library staff on hand that can help with all sorts of questions, even theonline ask box on the website that directly messages a librarian. We also have skeletons and bone boxes for medical students. There’s also a lot of computers so there’s usually at least one open for someone to use. It’s a great place to study with friends or find a quiet corner to get work done.”
After taking time to study the needs of students, Polanka and Rakovan are looking forward to the semester and the opportunities these renovations will bring in.