AFLV Conference | Provided by Gina Keucher, Program Director of Fraternity and Sorority
Wright State University student leaders from College Panhellenic Council (CPH), Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Beta Phi Omega Fraternity, and a few members, attended this year’s Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) Conference, the largest gathering of fraternal colleagues and partners across the country.
With over 4,000 fraternity and sorority members attending from nearly 300 campuses and 14 representatives from WSU, voiced their enthusiasm toward the prospect of learning new leadership skills.
“I’m [excited] to learn from other attendees and local fraternities [pick up on] what the best ways are to recruit, get our name out there, and engage new members,” said Nat Williams, president of Beta Phi Omega, before attending the conference.
With WSU being such a large commuter campus, Williams expressed the difficulties Greek life and organizations alike have when recruiting. Students often miss out on the opportunities these organizations have to offer.

Another WSU sorority in attendance CPH partners with their philanthropy Circle of Sisterhood, with a goal of raising money to help educate women around the world.
“We’re happy to represent WSU at a conference. We have a lot of Panhellenic unity and I’m excited to show that to other schools,” said CPH President Allie Harbaum.
Through speakers and the sessions offered, Harbaum learned about personal leadership development, implementing changes in an organization and cross-council collaboration.
“We were also given the opportunity to brainstorm and work with leaders from other schools to help solve problems on our own campus. The most rewarding thing about this weekend was learning about our own students,” said Harbaum. “We were able to talk and have a deeper understanding of what each council deals with [and] what they offer to WSU. Through this weekend we were able to unite as a Greek community [and] change our councils for the better.”

In charge of all judicial affairs and recruiting for fraternities, IFC also attended the conference.
“When you leave [these conferences], you feel motivated to come in and do more for fraternities and sororities. It makes you more of a family afterwards. You get to hear what other campuses struggle with and feel one with them and appreciate where you are,” said Joshua Burkheiser, IFC president.
With a mock competition between fellow fraternities and sororities, Burkheiser anticipated learning about the judicial process of Greek life as well as social media training.
“It’s never too late to join Greek life,” said Burkheiser.