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The Wright State Guardian
Sunday, March 16, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


WSU's Winter Weather Plans: What You Need to Know

Parking lot closed sign | Photo by Grace Ramsdell | The Wright State Guardian

As Ohioans shovel their way through the winter season, Wright State University (WSU) has taken several collective measures to ensure the safety of students and faculty on campus. 

Parking lot safety 

As students returned to campus for the spring semester, multiple parking lots were closed off with cones and “Closed through Spring Semester” signs.  

“We closed these lots down during the winter months to eliminate the need for treating them for icy and snowy conditions,” said Manager of Grounds and Transportation Joe Dick.  

Parking areas that have been closed off this semester include portions of the Creative Arts Center and Dunbar Library lots. These lots were deemed nonessential due to reduced personnel on campus. 

“When deciding on what lots to close, we looked at lots that really only serve one building. The lots that are open serve more than one building,” said Dick.  

Closed lots are expected to reopen next semester.  

Other safety concerns 

In addition to parking lot safety, students have been advised to be aware of their dorm or apartment room temperature as the winter months bring low temperatures. By keeping windows closed and thermostats above 60 degrees, students are helping to prevent emergencies such as a frozen pipe. 

“This may seem like common sense, but sometimes a resident will assume their roommate in the room or apartment will take care of these items, and it will get left open. Even a small gap could lead to a frozen, busted pipe if unattended,” said Director of Residence and Housing Dan Bertsos. 

In instances where the road conditions are a safety concern, both the Dayton and Lake campuses have incorporated delayed in-person event start times as well as cancelations when necessary.  

“This decision is made by a team composed of leadership from Grounds, Public Safety, and Facilities that makes recommendations to the President,” said Interim Director of Public Safety Kurt Holden. “In the event there is a delay or closure, we try to have that decision made a couple hours in advance to not disrupt students, staff, or faculty commutes to campus as we understand many do travel.” 

A variety of factors are taken into consideration when announcing a delay or closure, such as road conditions, current and future weather conditions and other local university delays and closures.  

Students are advised to opt into the Wright State Alert system, as well as follow WSU on social media, to stay up to date on university announcements and weather-related incidents.  

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