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The Wright State Guardian
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Our team is here to help your business or organization tap into the college market. Our solutions not only grow your brand, but they are also tailored to college students – one of the most difficult and desired markets. Simply, nobody does college better than we do.

Rate Cards and Media Kits


WSU departments, units, organizations and affiliates


Dayton, Fairborn and the Miami Valley


Greater Ohio, United States and International

Advertising Options

Digital Ads

Connect with your digital audience with digital ads on, serving over 100 thousand viewers during the academic year.

Social Media

Campaign to potential customers using sponsored social posts with our combined 23 thousand followers.

Out of Home (OOH)

Experience unmatchable engagement with in-person mediums designed to target college students.

Street Team

Promotion through high-impact poster, flyer and product distributions. Deliver your message in a direct and visible way.


From housing to jobs to services, Classifieds provide you a way to advertise your listing in an inexpensive way.

Email Newsletters

Improve your reach by promoting your brand to thousands of students, faculty, staff, alumni and more, directly to their email, up to three times per week.


We bring the listeners, you bring the ads. Sponsorships are recorded by our talent and placed in our podcasts.

Spotlight App

Spotlight brings stories from the sources you trust — including college, local and premier, national news hubs — together in one place. Target specific campuses and reach millions of students.

Need to pay a bill or invoice?

If the bill or invoice was received, please remit either check or money order to:

The Wright State Guardian
015 Student Union
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, Ohio 45435-0001

Credit card payment can also be sent via fax to 937-775-5535.

Bills and invoices should be paid per instruction on the bill or invoice.

Please include your customer name, customer ID and invoice number listed on your invoice.

If you need to send a payment but were not invoiced, please send your payment to the above address. Please include your customer name and the dates of your ad run on the memo line.

Please ensure all checks are payable to Wright State University.

Cash payments can also be made in person, by appointment only. Contact our billing team to make an appointment. Credit card payments can be made through your advertiser platform. Contact your ad rep for assistance.

Important Contacts

Monica Brutto

Managing Editor, Digital Content & Sales

Bookings, rates and fees, contracts and partnerships | 937-775-5540

Elaina Brode

Staff Accountant

Invoicing, billing, payments and tax inquiries | 937-775-5574

Advertising Policies

The Wright State Guardian reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.

The Wright State Guardian makes every effort to produce error-free ads; however, if an error should occur, please notify the business office within three days of the error at  Liability for any errors is limited to the cost of the space occupied by the error.

All ad changes and cancellations must be made within 72 hours of such ads being placed, unless the ad run is less than 72 hours, in which case no changes or cancellations are permitted. Ads canceled after this time period will not be refunded.

Advertising having the appearance of news must be labeled as “Paid Advertising.” All political and cause advertisements must carry the appropriate information required by law. (e.g., Paid by Committee for Jane Doe, John Doe, Treasurer).

Client assigns to The Wright State Guardian all rights, title and interest to all layouts and original art produced by The Wright State Guardian.

A signed model release is required for all persons pictured if photographs are included with an advertisement.

The Wright State Guardian will not knowingly accept any advertisement that is defamatory, promotes academic dishonesty, or otherwise violates any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations.

The Wright State Guardian will not knowingly accept any advertisement that encourages discrimination against any individual or group on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, creed, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, or any other trait or status protected by applicable law.

Classifieds of a business nature may not appear in the “personal” classification. Classifieds will not be intentionally misclassified at the request of Client. Personal ads may contain first names and last initials only.

Proofs requiring changes initiated by Client will be corrected with or without additional charge depending on the extensiveness of the revisions and the amount of typesetting, design or photographic work required.

Contracted space is for the sole use of Client and may not be assigned to or used by any other individual or entity without the advance written approval of The Wright State Guardian.

Client assumes full liability for advertisements and links and agrees to be responsible to and hold The Wright State Guardian and Wright State University harmless for any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages or other liability that may result from the client providing material (e.g. providing copyrighted artwork without authorization).

All advertisements shall have a clear statement of a bona fide offer or announcement made in good faith.

Anonymous advertisements are not permitted, and will not be published. Client must provide its contact name, business name, address and phone number to The Wright State Guardian.

All advertising copy and design must be provided by Client to The Wright State Guardian at least one week prior to onset date. Copy or design delivered electronically may not be considered camera-ready and is subject to normal deadlines. Copy and design received after the deadline is not guaranteed a proof. Late copy or design will be assessed a $25 fee.

The Wright State Guardian is not responsible for errors on advertisements in which advertising copy or design is delivered past deadline.

Copy or design regulations are subject to change without advance notice.