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How to reorganize halfway through the semester

The key to getting reorganized halfway through the semester for a student involves patience, diligence and a mindset to make it happen. While it may feel like the best time to just give up and let the chaos take over, it’s never too late to

Most students have a way as to how they like to organize their materials, but some they do not know how, or they choose not to. Looking at specific due dates can simply be the most obvious way to getting reorganized as well as figuring out time and a plan to make it happen

“I check up on my syllabus for each class and see what is due and try to plan my time to get things done. If I need to take a break, I will take a break,” Motions Picture major, Marissa Coleman, stated.

Students can find their syllabus online or by using the printed copy handed out in the first week of classes. Keeping an agenda or planner for assignments and dates is a way to keep an organized schedule.

“Try to keep a schedule for yourself and try to prioritize assignments that are due. It’s hard with motions pictures because one assignment can take up to like five or six days to complete, so that really messes with my schedule for those next five days,” Coleman continued.

If you think you are falling behind in class, check your grades and seek potential help from a friend or a professor, join a study group and attend a study session with a peer tutor or instructor. There are many options for you to choose from.

“I would say to make sure you are on top of everything and not falling behind in classes. Get on top of it and finish the school semester really strong,” Earth Science major Kate Miller said.

Whether it’s checking the syllabus, grades, or keeping an agenda, they are many ways to become reorganized before the semester’s end.

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