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With supporters like you, we can continue to write about what matters. Support student journalism by donating today.

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Support student media with your tax-deductible donation. Give to The Wright State Guardian through the Wright State University Foundation.

You can also give by check by sending it to the following address. Please make sure to include The Wright State Guardian as your gift designation.

Wright State University Foundation
Foundation Building
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, Ohio 45435-0001

Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult with your tax advisor for deduction requirements and limitations specific to your situation. The Wright State University Foundation will send you a letter to thank you for your donation as soon as it is processed, which will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. Have questions? Contact the foundation.

Wright State University Foundation, Inc.
Federal Tax ID number: 23-7019799

Note: the above federal tax ID is for foundation purposes only. Contact billing for tax-related inquires.

Staff Testimonials

The all digital media format at The Guardian is thriving and the future is looking very promising. We at The Guardian are using different online platforms that are allowing us more visibility and helping us reach our readers and share stories that holds value to them.

Soham Parikh
Photo and Media Assistant
2017 –2021

In the world of visual storytelling, we are forced to adapt to the technology we use to tell our stories. In order to make the most of our experience within our organization and tell the stories that need to be told the best we can, we have to be able to grow with the technology that we are surrounded by.

Shelby Prenger
Contributing Writer, Social Media Manager and Video Producer
2018 – 2020

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