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Combating finals stress

Combating stress.

It always seems to be this way when it gets to holiday time. Things began stacking up; the assignments that looked so far away on the second page of the syllabus seem so ominous. Family starts invading, but at least they bring food with them.

Graduate School applications. Exams. Life in general. STRESS.

So how to deal? There’s a lot of variation. But here are my tips. Take em at face value and if they help, great. If not, I’m not liable for your nervous breakdown.

Cry. Yup, I said it. Sometimes you really do need to cry. You’ll find that once you start going it’s nonstop and you’ll feel the tension leave as the headache comes on but you will feel better. Just make sure you check your mascara before you leave the confines of your room.

Take a break. In the middle of a big assignment? Go ahead, indulge in some Candy Crush. Watch an episode of South Park. Make some Jell-O. Do something absolutely mindless.

Schedule and plan. I know for me personally, I’d take a lot of stress off myself if I had only maybe just wrote some stuff down, put it in my calendar or at least some permanent marker on my hand. It’s never a good thing to forget a deadline or a hot date.

Talk to someone. This one is really important. If you bottle it up, eventually you will overflow and then it’s not just your personal mess, it’s all over the table now. I’d rather talk to someone than keep it all in and then yell at someone. Then you gotta deal with that as well. It adds up.

And finally, and I know this one is not something that your doctor would recommend, but just eating something special. Sure, someone else might say “Go run! Exercise!” And if you’re into that, great. Unless it’s Zumba, I am wholeheartedly not interested. I feel better about eating some thing special and perhaps a bit unhealthy. It won’t kill you.

But if it does, again, not liable. Just a friendly reminder.

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