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Coronavirus got you stuck? Five tips to stay motivated at home

Photo by Soham Parikh | The Wright State Guardian

Photo by Soham Parikh | The Wright State Guardian

It may be hard to stay motivated for all of the online classes students are having to take, so here are five tips to improve the rest of the semester working from home.

Get dressed in the morning

Even though it may seem silly to get dressed just to sit around your house, not wearing pajamas can put anyone in a more productive mood.

Students should keep up some of their normal routines as if they were still going to school. Get up at a decent time and start on schoolwork before 5 p.m.

Stay organized and make a schedule

Organization is really important when it comes to having all classes online. Now more than ever, it is important that students keep track of time and when each of their classes is supposed to meet.

There is no longer going to be a bell to remind you to pick up and move on to the next task, so students should consider setting alarms on their phone or entering their class schedule into an online calendar if they have not done so already.

Students can also make a tentative schedule for themselves to stay on track throughout the day.

Plan how much time to spend on schoolwork for each class.

Stay informed

Because students are no longer allowed on campus, it makes it a bit harder for them to simply ask questions or find the information they need.

Wright State has a webpage for just about everything, accessible from WINGS.

Academic success centers, advisors, Counseling and Wellness Services, librarians and many other services are available to students remotely.

Students can also use the search bar to find help when they are not sure where to find it.

Make connections and communicate

Just because students need to practice social distancing, it doesn’t mean they have to lose the connections they would have had in person.

Students should be encouraged to meet remotely with their peers and continue to build relationships with the rest of the community.

When face-to-face meetings are not possible, communication is absolutely key. It is easier for miscommunications to occur, so communication needs to be clear and there needs to be an abundance of it.

Students should keep in close communication with all of their professors and ask questions whenever need be to ensure a smooth experience with the online format.

Be intentional about communication.

Take breaks

Just as students should schedule time to work, they should also schedule time to take breaks. It is recommended that a short 10-15 minute break be taken every hour for the most effectiveness.

Some students may feel the urge to cram or push through until all of their work is done, but it will be more productive to take breaks. Working for too long without a break will cause distractions and wandering thoughts.

Students should give their brains a rest from school and time to refuel. Eating is important; take breaks to eat.

Whether students prefer online classes or they strive for face-to-face interaction, the coronavirus can’t last forever, and neither can this semester.

Makenzie Hoeferlin


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